India Urban

Millennial Outreach

Impacting the 300 Million Indian Millennials for Christ:

We strive to advance the Christian gospel to the Indian urban millennials and set up a Christian Institute that imparts Christian worldview education. The vision is to see India transformed to a society with a Christian foundation through Christ centered worldview education, leadership training, church planting and discipleship.

What makes a Nation Great?

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Whoever will introduce into public affairs the principles of Christianity will change the face of the world.” India’s progress and greatness depends on incorporating the principles of Biblical Christianity. The Bible alone has the power to affect politics, economics, culture and life for the better. 

Why Reach the Movers and Shakers?

The urban millennials are the future of India; they are the future bureaucrats, politicians, doctors, lawyers, opinion makers and professionals. It is urgent to impact them with the Christian worldview.

How We Do This

  • Transforming a society is a multifaceted task. An emerging society will need a shift in education and we aspire to do this through setting up a Christian Worldview Institute and Training Center, (CWITC), which will be the first of its kind in India.


  • We will periodically host worldview educational seminars, discussions, dialogues and multi-city camps/conferences engaging the urban millennials with Christian worldview education throughout the year.


  • We will also set up web-based education to multiply the reach to the wider urban audience.


  • We will be partnering with like-minded Christian worldview centers, organizations, and think tanks such as the Colson Center For Worldview.


  • We will partner with a team of US-based professionals for training and to teach worldview courses.

Annual India Marketplace Mission Trips

Each year we will organize 4 trips to India. The 12-day trips will be spread throughout the year. The trips involve seminar participation and attending conferences in key Indian cities as well as compassion work. The compassion work will include visits to orphanages, villages, and other places of need. We are looking for Christian professionals from various fields to partner with us. We value the gifts of your time, energy and resources.

Proposed India Christian Worldview Institute and Training Center

The Institute and Training Center will be the first of its kind to incorporate and impart a Christian worldview as the foundation of its curriculum. The center's goal is to help shape the society's future by training urban millennials to share the Gospel and disciple others. This is unprecedented in its scope and opportunity. The proposed training center will be located in the southern Indian city of Bangalore. 

How You Can Partner

God has given each one of us gifts and talents. Maybe your talent is as a businessman, engineer, doctor, lawyer, or corporate/civic leader. Your time and financial gifts will be used to strategically support this life-changing ministry. Partnering with us will impact key industries such as education, science, arts, music, media. You can leave a lasting legacy of change for Kingdom purpose!

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