Why Launch Asia Ministries?

I was born and raised in southern India and became a Christian in my teenage years. Although I knew about Jesus being born in the first Christian family, I gave my heart to the Lord and accepted him as my personal savior in my teen years. That day when the Lord became personal to me changed my life forever. I felt a new-found joy that I could not get anywhere. I knew deep down in my heart an abiding sense of peace and satisfaction. I lost my desire for worldly things and began to pursue God more intensely. Later, in my 20s, the Lord opened the door to come to the United States to pursue my college education. While I was in India, I used to witness to people about Jesus. I actively participated in many evangelistic outreaches to introduce Jesus to people of all religious backgrounds who had no idea about Jesus.

Now that I was in the USA in my 20s, I saw how Christianity was dominant in the American landscape, but at the same time, I experienced a dryness in my spirit. Many attended church, and Christianity looked more traditional and religious without a deep passion for Jesus and evangelism. My college years finished in early 2000, and I started working as a college professor in Minnesota. With every opportunity I got, I began to preach and teach the word in many churches across the northern United States. Life was going on regularly, and my time focused on the USA. I lived a relatively comfortable American life, but my heart was very unsettled. I could not afford to live in a comfort zone for the rest of my life. I wanted to live a life of purpose. 

I was praying and seeking the Lord to guide me into His plans and purposes. And the Lord placed a burden deep in my heart to take the gospel for the vast peoples of Asia. Many millions of people in Asia have not heard about Jesus even once in their lifetime. I can at least speak for my country of birth, India, where only a tiny minority of the population are Christians. India has a billion plus people, but repeated polls indicated that there are only 15 percent of Christians in the whole country. Therefore, I felt a deep burden to reach India with the gospel and Asia in the larger goal. Oswald J Chambers, a great man of God, once said, “No one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once.”

And that is the case in India and Asia, where millions have not heard the gospel even once. That is why I felt a need to start Launch Asia Ministries. It is the Lord’s ministry. It is the Lord who birthed this organization with the sole intention of preaching the gospel, making disciples, planting churches, and reaching out to the down and outers. 


Let's Run This Race...


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